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51 Views · 10 months ago

SB19 is in Edmonton, AB Canada for their upcoming concert Pagtatag World Tour on August 20, 2023 at Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium.

#SB19 #Edmonton #Canada #pagtatagworldtouredmonton #pagtatagworldtour
220 Views · 1 year ago

We listed 15 of the most promising employers to work for in 2023 based on their popularity in job listing sites and on Google Trends. Some of the main factors for these employers to get considered by job seekers are salary and compensation, work environment, company culture, and career growth.Here's a list of the most promising companies to consider in 2023 that provide a range of benefits and opportunities for career growth.


#philippines #work #company #benefits #topcompanies #business #opportunity
74 Views · 1 year ago

The Philippines offers a perfect mix of adventure, relaxation, and cultural immersion that will make any summer vacation unforgettable. Known for its rich culture and history, tropical climate, and diverse natural beauty, the country makes a perfect destination for summer vacations, from its white sandy beaches to its abundant rainforests.
#philippines #trendingph #summervacation #summer #bakasyon
74 Views · 4 years ago

⁣Mr. President of the United Nations General Assembly;
Mr. Secretary-General;
Heads of state and government;
I am honored to address you today on behalf of the Filipino people on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
The invisible enemy that is COVID-19 has brought about an unfamiliar global landscape and unleashed a crisis without precedent. It is the biggest test the world and the United Nations faced since World War II.
While the United Nations has brought relief and hope to so many countries and peoples around the world, it now finds itself saddled by a virus that has taken many lives and wrecked economies and social order.
We are at a crossroads. How we address COVID-19 will define our future.
For the Philippines, this means putting up all of the peoples of our united nations at the core of this response.
We will need to ask hard and fundamental questions about the vision and mission that the United Nations conceptualized 75 years ago.
We need to ask ourselves whether or not we have remained true and faithful to the United Nations’ principles and ideals.
Mr. President, in the light of the realities of the present, the Philippines grieves with all of the families all over the world who lost their loved ones to this horrible virus.
We extend our heartfelt condolences.
We salute all frontliners who put their lives on the line even in countries not their own. So also do we honor and recognize the healthcare professionals who selflessly answered the call to combat the COVID-19 pandemic despite its virulence and unknown characteristics.
While each nation has its own strategy in fighting the pandemic, what the world needs are coordinated international plans and efforts to pursue a common purpose.
COVID-19 knows no border. It knows no nationality. It knows no race. It knows no gender. It knows no age. It knows no creed.
The Philippines values the role that the United Nations plays in its fight against the pandemic. As a middle-income country whose economic advances have been derailed by the pandemic, we welcome the launch of the UN COVID Response and Recovery Fund.
Ensuring universal access to anti COVID-19 technologies and products is pivotal in the global pandemic recovery.
The world is in the race to find a safe and effective vaccine.
When the world finds that vaccine, access to it must not be denied nor withheld. It should be made available to all, rich and poor nations alike, as a matter of policy.
The Philippines joins our partners in the ASEAN and the Non-Aligned Movement in raising our collective voice: the COVID-19 vaccine must be considered a global public good. Let us be clear on this.
We call for a global health agenda with enough resources and policy space for the World Health Organization.
We need a WHO that is quick to coordinate and quicker to respond. The Philippines will do its part in the pooling of global resources. Our health workers are among the best.
Mr. President, just as we needed stability and confidence because of the pandemic, geopolitical tensions continue to rise.
Escalating tensions benefit no one. New flashpoints heighten fears and tend to tear peoples apart.
When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled flat.
Given the size and military might of the contenders, we can only imagine and be aghast at the terrible toll on human life and property that shall be inflicted if the “word war” deteriorates into a real war of nuclear weapons and missiles.
I therefore call on the stakeholders in the South China Sea, the Korean Peninsula, the Middle East and Africa: if we cannot be friends as yet, then in God’s name, let us not hate each other too much. I heard it once said, and I say it to myself in complete agreement.
Mr. President: Filipino migrant workers have been devastated by the pandemic. Many have lost not only their livelihood, but also their health and lives as well. Yet they
go on in the frontlines, healing, caring for others in the different parts of the world.
The Philippine Government has embarked on an unprecedented repatriation program. More than 345,000 overseas Filipino workers needed to come home then.
We have brought back half and are bringing back the rest.
We thank the countries that have provided Filipino migrants with residence permits, access to testing, treatment and related health services in this pandemic.
We brought back most of our seafarers who were stranded because of COVID19 restrictions. We pioneered with the IMO the Green Lane for safe changes of seafaring crews.
In these times, we need stronger cooperation in promoting and protecting the rights of migrants, regardless of their migrant status.
We must all adhere to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. Unless states include all migrants in their response to this pandemic, “no one among us is safe, until everyone is safe”, as the Secretary-General has said.
With the poverty rate reduced at 16.6 percent; and a sustained economic growth rate of 6.4 percent between 2010 and 2019, the Philippines was on track to becoming an upper-middle income country by the end of 2020. But the pandemic has placed our economy in recession.
Despite this downward pressure on growth, the Philippines remains committed to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Mr. President: The same urgency needed to fight COVID-19 is needed to address the climate crisis. This is a global challenge that has worsened existing inequalities and vulnerabilities from within and between nations.
Climate change has worsened the ravages of the pandemic.
Peoples in developing countries like the Philippines suffer the most. We cannot afford to suffer more.
The Philippines joined the Paris Agreement to fight climate change. We call on all parties, especially those who have not made good their commitment to fight climate change, to honor the same.
We call on all parties to strengthen communities and peoples for preparedness and resilience. We are talking about mankind and Earth, our one and only home.
Mr. President: The Philippines will continue to protect the human rights of its people, especially from the scourge of illegal drugs, criminality, and terrorism.
A number of interest groups have weaponized human rights; some well-meaning, others ill-intentioned.
They attempt to discredit the functioning institutions and mechanisms of a democratic country and a popularly elected government which in its last two years, still enjoy the same widespread approval and support.
These detractors pass themselves off as human rights advocates while preying on the most vulnerable humans; even using children as soldiers or human shields in encounters. Even schools are not spared from their malevolence and anti-government propaganda.
They hide their misdeeds under the blanket of human rights but the blood oozes through.
To move forward, open dialogue and constructive engagement with the United Nations is the key.
But these must be done in full respect of the principles of objectivity, noninterference, non-selectivity and genuine dialogue. These are the fundamental bases for productive international cooperation on human rights.
Mr. President: Terrorism looms large.
As I said at the Aqaba Process, the Philippines will do everything and partner with anyone who would sincerely desire to protect the innocent from terrorism in all its manifestations.
The Marawi siege, where foreign terrorist fighters took part, taught us that an effective legal framework is crucial. Our 2020 Anti-Terrorism Act shores up the legal framework by focusing on both terrorism and the usual reckless response to it.
Its enactment was done pursuant to our commitment, and the strict adherence to the relevant Security Council resolutions and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
Most importantly, we remain committed to rebuild stricken communities and address the root causes of terrorism and violent extremism in my country.
We must remain mindful of our obligations and commitment to the Charter of the United Nations and as amplified by the 1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes.
The Philippines affirms that commitment in the South China Sea in accordance with UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award.
The Award is now part of international law, beyond compromise and beyond the reach of passing governments to dilute, diminish or abandon.
We firmly reject attempts to undermine it.
We welcome the increasing number of states that have come in support of the award and what it stands for — the triumph of reason over rashness, of law over disorder, of amity over ambition. This – as it should – is the majesty of the law.
Mr. President: The global health crisis has further complicated the global security environment. But no aspiration nor ambition can justify the use of weapons that destroy indiscriminately and completely.
There is no excuse for deaths that a nuclear war could cause nor the reckless use of chemical and biological weapons that can cause mass destruction.
These weapons of death put us all at mortal risk, especially if they fall in the hands of terrorists without a shred of humanity in their souls.
We call on all Member States to fully implement the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and the Chemical and the Biological Weapons Conventions.
I have asked the Philippine Senate to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Importantly, we were among those to sign it first.
Mr. President: The Philippines has a long history of opening its doors to the refugees – from the White Russians following the 1917 Revolution, the European Jews in the Second World War, the Vietnamese in the late 1960s, and the Iranians displaced by the 1979 revolution, among others.
The Philippines continues to honor this humanitarian tradition in accordance with our obligations under the 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
But lest we forget: helping the most vulnerable – those displaced by conflict, persecution, and political instability – is a shared responsibility of all countries.
As I have said many times: The doors of the Philippines are open, as they have always been, to everyone fleeing for safety, such as the Rohingyas.
In the face of a mounting refugee crisis worldwide, let us work together towards ending the conflicts and conditions that force people to flee their homes.
Mr. President: As our societies become more diverse yet interdependent, social cohesion issues come to the fore.
Mutual understanding always accompanied by mutual tolerance between those of different faiths and cultures is the only foundation of societies at peace with itself and all others.
Finally, I express gratitude to the gallant peacekeepers, including our own, who advance the cause of peace in the most difficult situations.
From the Golan Heights in the Middle East to Liberia in West Africa, Filipino peacekeepers put themselves in the frontlines between the vulnerable and those who seek harm.
We are committed to increasing the Philippine footprint in UN peacekeeping operations with increased participation of women.
Again Mr. President: To defeat the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges, we must work with seamless unity which demands complete mutual trust and the conviction that we will win or lose together.
We cannot bring back the dead but we can spare the living; and we can build back better, healthier, and more prosperous and just societies.
To this end, we rededicate ourselves to multilateralism. The UN remains humanity’s essential Organization. But it is only as effective as we make it.
To make significant changes, we need to be bold. We need the same collective courage that finally made the United Nations a reality 75 years ago.
We need to act on long-standing recommendations to improve the Security Council’s composition and working methods; to strengthen the role of the General Assembly; and to streamline the processes and the operations of the UN.
Indeed, to be ready for the new global normal, it cannot be business as usual for the UN.
Let us empower UN – reform it – to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Let us strengthen it so it can fully deliver its mandate to maintain peace and security, uphold justice and human rights, and promote freedom and social progress for all.
After all, we are the United Nations. Thank you.

— END —

SOURCE: PCOO-PND (Presidential News Desk)
75 Views · 4 years ago

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivers his 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the Joint Session of the 18th Congress on July 27, 2020.

Source: ⁣Radio Television Malacañang - RTVM
224 Views · 4 years ago

⁣⁣May 26, 2020 - ⁣The House committee on legislative franchises holds a hearing on the bills that would renew the franchise of media network ABS-CBN. Deputy Speaker Hon. Rodante Marcoleta Full Speech. ⁣House of Representatives Hearing on ABS-CBN Franchise May 26, 2020.
320 Views · 4 years ago

⁣⁣May 26, 2020 - ⁣The House committee on legislative franchises holds a hearing on the bills that would renew the franchise of media network ABS-CBN. Here's the ⁣Opening Statement of ABS-CBN President and CEO Carlo L. Katigbak. ⁣House of Representatives Hearing on ABS-CBN Franchise May 26, 2020.
2,319 Views · 4 years ago

⁣Listen to Langit Lupa Impyerno on Spotify:
Laro-Laro Lang EP by Chud Festejo

Composer: Chud Festejo
Producer: RJ Manulid
Arranger: RJ Manulid
Mixed & Mastered by: RJ Manulid
Recorded by: Chud Festejo, RJ Manulid, & Jeremy Sarmiento at Muzic's Kool Recording Studio


#langitLupaImpyerno #larongBatangPinoy #darkPop
1,467 Views · 4 years ago

Exclusive interview with BLAKH Productions the people behind the hit single "Let Me Love You Down" by Blaine Nasser.

Video Recorded: December 2019

Host: Enrique Mendoza (Davao Eagle Online)
BLAKH Productions: M. N. Tuboro/Dylan Jaspers/B. C. Nasser

Special Thanks:
The Image District
Lotus Productions Artists Centre
Davao Eagle Online
GanDavao TV
Achup TV

Let Me Let Love You Down:



Spotify: Blaine Nasser

Instagram: @blingnasser13

SoundCloud: @blaine-corda-nasser
41 Views · 5 years ago

Thank you to Proform Auto Edmonton for the decals on our new service vehicle from Lexus of Edmonton. Thank you #Lexus and Proform Auto Edmonton for the support! #RX350 #Fsport #ExperienceAmazing #LexusVIPService.

Thank you for the support:
Mr. Carlos Mendiola of Proform Auto Tint
Mr. Ian Fernandez of Lexus of Edmonton

Credit to Team Edmonton: Mia DM Regional Marketing Manager, Sheene Abigail Media Producer, Eireen Claire Production Assistant, Marie Tuason Project Coordinator, Cyril Aicy Lopez, Freshbelle Pearson, Enrico Montano Celiz and Vince for Video/Photo, Yubz Bathan, Franz Concepcion, & Jean de Jesus Hosts. Production Team: Kris Sion, Eira Vianca Urriza Limdico, Charlene CJ, Pamela Balsacao, Neil Simon, Diana Jean Salazar-Perez, Cedric Perez... And many more!
75 Views · 4 years ago

Hello mga ka-Trenders! We are with Ms.Jean De Jesus one of the Finalist of Miss Universe Canada 2019. Team:
Marie Tuazon - Host
Sheene Abigail - Producer
Mia DM - Regional Marketing Manager

35 Views · 4 years ago

Our Team in Calgary, AB Canada joined the 2nd year of Alberta Beer Festival (ABF) - The Mashing Calgary #MashingYYC 2019 at the Stampede Grandstand, Calgary AB last September 13 - 14, 2019.

Production Crew:
Shamin Vicencio ( - Host
Lian Melegrito ( - Host
Lei Atienza ( - Video/Photo

The MASHING (the common process used in brewing, distilling, and cider making) brings together the best distilleries, breweries, restaurants, artists and community in a unique space for a sampling event unlike any other in the world! At the MASHING, you’ll be able to immerse yourself in many of the things ABF believes in – the concepts of grains to glass and farm to table, all things local, art, culture, community, and a strong charitable component – all while sampling from incredible distilleries, breweries, cideries and restaurants. With DJs, a live music stage, art installations, photography walls and more – you’ll be transported to a whole new world just by stepping out in your own community. Live deep at the Mashing!

Special Thanks To:
Winter City Canada -

High [NCS Release] - JPB (No Copyright Music)
Hip-Hop Funk Hip-Hop Royalty Free Music by ContrastAudio
38 Views · 5 years ago

Raymond Lauchengco LIVE in Edmonton August 18, 2019 with special guest Anson Chua at The Royal Palace

#Music #Filipino #Concert #Canada #YEGEvents #Edmonton #OPM Production Team
Mia DM

22 Views · 5 years ago

Interview with Deputy Consul General Mr. Zaldy Patron (Philippine Consulate Calgary, AB Canada) about the Filipino Overseas Absentee Voting for the 2019 National and Local Elections in the Philippines on May 12, 2019.

Philippine Consulate in Calgary, AB Canada

Interview Date: April 23, 2019
Time: 4:00 PM MST (Edmonton, AB Canada)

Special Guest: Deputy Consul General Zaldy Patron Team
Host: Mia DM
Producer: Sheene Abigail
51 Views · 4 years ago

Ka-Trenders tried 5 sisig's from different Filipino Restaurants in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Sisig is a Kapampangan dish made from parts of pig head and chicken liver, usually seasoned with calamansi, onions and chili peppers. Sisig was first mentioned in a Kapampangan dictionary in the 17th Century meaning "to snack on something sour" and "salad". [Wikipedia]

Jojo Lucila and Ida Beltran-Lucila - Philippine Arts Council
Franz Concepcion and Yubz Bathan
Sheene Abigail and Kristine Faith
Pamela Balsacao and Diana Salazar
Mia DM and Charlene Ogalesco

Production Crew:
Michael Vicente
Cedric Perez
Kris Sion
Eira Vianca Limdico
Matt Quitiviz

Special Thanks to:
Bem's Restaurant
Kuya Allan's Lechon Pinoy
Red Pepper
Manila Grill Restaurant
Panciteria de Manila

#FilipinoFood #Sisig #Edmonton #YegFood #YegEats #Yeg #ProudlyFilipino #Philippines #Canada #TrendingPH #MeatLover #Sizzling

Music Credit:
think about it by Dixxy.: about it
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Run Away by Declan DP:
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

Daybreak by Jens East:
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
80 Views · 4 years ago

A Filipino owned Quickly bubble tea franchise in Edmonton, AB Canada. They add a little Filipino twist on their menu, serving Filipino dishes like Sisig, Topsilog, and more! #ManganAtQuickly #Edmonton

Mangan means "to eat" in Kapampangan, a local dialect in the Philippines, mostly used in Pampanga, Tarlac, and Bataan.

Visit Quickly Callingwood at 6719 177 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5T 4K3, Canada
67 Views · 4 years ago joined "Seafood City" Calgary Media Night last February 18, 2020. Calgary Team:
Shamin Vicencio
Lei Atienza
Thermie Rodriguez
Stef Calma
Jane Buo
Aiyie Lim-Valdez
Rod Valdez Jr
Armand Joseph Jaramillo

Special thanks to:
Seafood City Superstore Calgary

Event Details:
31 Views · 4 years ago

Hello mga ka-Trenders! We interviewed fans in December Avenue Concert last July 27, 2019. Team:
Franz Concepcion
Mia DM
Sheene Abigail

Special Thanks to:
All fans who participated in our video! Share niyo na... :)

Music Credit:
©2019 December Avenue
40 Views · 4 years ago

Our Team in Calgary joined the grand opening of the 1st Jollibee store in Calgary, AB Canada last Sept. 20, 2019 at 999 36 St NE, Calgary, AB T2A 7X6, Canada.

Jollibee is aPhilippines-based chain known for its burgers, fried chicken, spaghetti & other famous Filipino dishes.

#ItsOurTurn #Jollibee #Calgary #Canada #YYC #JollibeeYYC

Production Team: #TrendingPhYYC
Shamin Vicencio - Host (
Lissa Atienza - Host (
Jane Buo - Host (
Lei Atienza - Photo/Video (

#Filipino #FastFood #FilipinoFood #Philippines

Chill Motivational Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Instrumental - The Process // No Copyright Music
[No Copyright Music] Chill LoFi Hip-Hop Beat FREE (Copyright Free) Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED

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