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39 Views · 3 months ago

⁣From the album ‘Metatron’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

And you know it must be true
Cos you heard it on the news
The agenda’s good for you
Because it’s sanctioned by the Jews
And Morgellons skies rain down
And the aether’s melancholy cries
Why would they lie ?
The same old cliches everytime
Just realise this circus filled with clowns
People choose drown
Demons all around
Walk around with eyes so glazed
Like a zombie in a haze
Bow down to the master race

0 Views · 6 months ago

⁣From the album ‘The Kosher Pig’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Sleeping In The Sun
Sleeping in the sun
Takes my soul back home
Replenish my thoughts
Relieves my mind from falling
Avoid the dark clouds forming
Right where life began
Innocence eternal light that shines through
I can leave the rain behind me
Higher than the clouds you’ll find me

6 Views · 6 months ago

⁣From the album ‘The Kosher Pig’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

No Miracles
Through it all there’s a door
Wipe the cobwebs to the floor
There will be no miracles
Unless starting with ourselves
Consciousness grows in our cells
Evolution of the meme
Take me back to a time
Where only females had a child
Nothing quite like what it seems
Matrix protein growths on bones
Prosthetic skins await a host
Trumpets sound the ends of time
There’s nowhere left to run
They’re blocking out the sun
Wipe away the teardrops
They’ll kill me
Bury me with my conscience strong

30 Views · 7 months ago

From the album 'Th€ Kø$h€r Pïg'

There’s a fire in my head
I can’t stop it burning
Always needing to be fed
Lusting for knowledge yearning
There’s no going back now
Can’t unsee what I have seen
Memories fragmented
Everyday seems broken
A glitch in the matrix
Reveals behind the curtain
The puppet masters pull the strings
And we all dance
There’s a fire
There’s a fire
Memories fragmented
Everyday seems broken
There’s a fire
There’s a fire
There’s no going back now
Can’t unsee what I have seen
Memories fragmented
Everyday seems broken

127 Views · 2 years ago

⁣From the album 'Parasite' available download, streaming or physical CD from Bandcamp
Br€ak Th€s€ Čhãins
See the sadness in their eyes
Double masked and sanitised
Can’t quite figure out the lies
Go back to sleep don’t worry
Poisoned souls demoralised
Void of questions hypnotised
There’s a wall inside their mind
Afraid, just breathe don’t worry
SOS we’re calling
Innocence is crawling
On it’s knees and praying
Humanity’s falling
And yes we’ll find a way to break these chains
A way to live again so won’t you
Please refrain from dragging me down into your clown world

Poor, sad people, lost in lies and deception. They know something is not quite right but their brains cannot figure out the lies, cannot imagine for a moment that the media and the government are totally corrupt. Cannot imagine that so many doctors, politicians, nurses, TV personalities are all unwittingly in on the biggest scam in history. The more hypocritical the situation the more they double down literally with double masks, more poison death jabs, more hand sanitising, more testing and less and less human touch. They are totally lost.
On a path to self destruction and opening the door for the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Great Reset, the biometric digital ID social credit system, begging to be protected and governed harder.

35 Views · 4 years ago

Fuck this Scamdemic fake ass COVID-1984 NWO takeover. And **** their mask wearing, social distancing, contact tracing apps, RFID Chips, 5G Microwave & Quantum Dot Tattoo Nano Bot Vaccination plans.

When every page is full of lies
How will they know
When growing up it’s no surprise
How will they know

Take a deep breath
Just sit back and
Take your time
Ignore the headlines
And just learn to read between the lines

Lock all your doors
They’re coming for sure
With needle in hand
Take the mark of the beast
Kiss your humanity goodbye

I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind these words
How ****ed up this life is
While they still deceive

26 Views · 4 years ago

Bullshit Scamdemic NWO takeover.
Let's celebrate being 'Apart Together' and the destruction of society. Let's dance and clap to usher in the One World Government and the New World Order. Let's kiss our freedoms goodbye.

This spreading virus only lives in the minds of weak men
Afraid to question dark agendas and the social plan

The pestilence infecting minds of mere mortals
Forsaken their maker their freedom their saviour
Pray now to this dealer of death gives no mercy
The needle the Monkey cell gene Splicing Junkie

Nano replicating Inside you mutating
Pulse waves they’re colliding the particles changing
A new world so brave it’s the fourth revolution of
Industrial technological pollution

Discover science don’t pretend
This virus lives in minds of men
Uncover history there’s no end
Just like the lies from minds of men

Life is on lockdown, a permanent curfew
Smart cities s dumbed down forgotten the clearview
The fields full of pollen, The joy of a sneeze
A sunrise, a full moon the birds and the bees ,


39 Views · 4 years ago

Fuck this Scamdemic fake ass COVID-1984 NWO takeover. And **** their mask wearing, social distancing, contact tracing apps, RFID Chips, 5G Microwave & Quantum Dot Tattoo Nano Bot Vaccination plans. And **** their planned riots and Soros funded organisations breaking down society....All this while in the background is the biggest political shift of power and technology to Israel Russia and China and the Belt and Road Initiative.

Tune from the album 'The New Normal'
Available for free listening, purchase download or physical CD
Also on all streaming platforms, Spotify, Deezer, etc.

Here we go, **** it’s really started yes the shit show
I can’t believe how many sheeple are buying it though
Are you offended ? Well I’m offended by that dumb mask wearing, social distancing, government media worshipping
They played their hand, now they’re burning books it’s obvious no ? Apparently not, they don’t see it, cheering, clapping though
Neighbourhood snitching, they’re bleating begging for solution
To this fake ass scamdemic plandemic germ pollution
They tried the global warming but they never got it through
People just too busy making ends meet that is true
Even though the masses gobbled up that shit like candy
Like Greta hot cakes, and Al Gore’s beach front property
That don’t seem bothered ‘bout the weather and the rising tides
Soros he’s busy destroying Europe from the inside
Systemic epidemic they made this fake ass germ
Already talking bout the next pandemic, next wave
Netflix trix predictive programming worked a treat
Doing everything they need serving us up for the elite
Microwave towers nano particle showers
Swimming through our veins
Tracking us like cockroaches sprayed with
Baygon With Roundup GMO poison gene splicing
Seems so enticing, juicy schemes for the so inclined
The Gates of Hell the one eugenic shit show
There is no rival his is truly Satan genocidal
Philanthropic I’d like to twist and ring his scrawny neck
Are you offended ? Well so am I so get the ****
Remember when we used to play ?
In pollen haze and bails of hay ?
Endless summers sunlight dreams ?
Open fires and Autumn leaves ?


24 Views · 4 years ago

From the album 'The New Normal'

I never thought they’d come so soon
I never thought they’d lay their cards
So soon on the table
We saw it coming from afar
But they surprised us with their boldness
The people easily bought it
Years of Hollywood contagion
Years of asteroids and aliens
Primed for invasion
Who are WHO ?
WHO can save us from this plague
Them and the devil’s needle
Who can protect us from the lies ?
Welcome to the new normal


124 Views · 4 years ago

From the album 'The New Normal'

It’s a all a game
The final solution
Feel the power of thought
We hope you feel the pain
I can set the world on fire
Feel the joy of my desire
Rid the world of useless breeders
See the glory I the saviour
Peel away the curtains
And reveal the splendour my agenda
Depopulation maintain
Handfuls of obedient slaves
I can save the world I am God
New World Order appointed Doctor
A Frankenstein mutaing genes
Causing pain enjoy the slaughterI can set the world on fire
Funding death it’s my desire
Complete the the master plan in motion
Nano bots in deadly potionsIt’s a all a game
The final solution
Feel the power of thought
We hope you feel the pain


39 Views · 4 years ago

The Covidian Cultists' misplaced virtue and compliance is unwittingly conspiring with the dark forces and conjuring this One World Totalitarian Communist Regime into fruition. Forced isolation, social distancing and mask wearing is The Ritual.

Your virtue enslaves you
Willingly give your soul to
Dark forces silence you
Initiation ritual
You gave up everything
To those who seek the power
Now that those demons sing
Your spirit’s theirs forever
Take your role, the great reset
Down on your knees and take it
Submit to all that they bequest
And plunge the needle forthwith
Silence is your lame consent
Your spirit breath relinquished
Subjugated and oppressed
You muzzled beasts extinguished

173 Views · 4 years ago

⁣From the album ‘Covid-19:The Great Reset - Cr!sp3r Gnom3s & Hybr!d Clon3s’

Mobile Medical Covid testing trucks had allegedly Anubis the Egyptian god of death as their logo (turned out to be just an aardvark !) However, this was the inspiration for Anubis 19. Tests are at best fake as ****, designed to recognise our own genetic DNA markers that of course give a false positive. The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullins said himself that the test should not be used for diagnostics, as it amplifies everything to such an extent that you could pretty much find anything you wanted in a result. Even papayas, goats and multiple unused tests came back positive. Then test figures are nothing but amoiny making scam, and a ploy to deceive the public. At worst they are laced with DARPA Hyrdrogel thrust deep into the blood brain barrier infecting all those who participate with nano bot microbobes that will change the cell DNA. Testing serves another function, DNA data collection. A worldwide data base of every single human being on Earth. Now they are even analysing DNA for 'Pre-Crime' potential of each individual. The Dystopian Nightmares in Hollywood movies are simply the plans of what is to come.

Step inside, come join the show
Insert the swab deep down the back of your nose
Come and see your hybrid destiny
Smart dust nanobots will infect your very soul
Unaware the new life that awaits
Devoid of all those thoughts
And dreams no more at play
It’s the soulless it’s the grey
It’s a dark cloud that’s here to stay
You think you can impose these rules on me ?
Try to convince me of how life should be ?
You think you can mould our precious DNA
I’m coded neither to kneel, beg or obey
Lives of great all remind us
We may make our lives sublime
And departing leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time
And as we make our final toast
To what we knew
This is a war
It’s time to fight for what is true

This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our initiation into the ‘Globalist’s’ ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’ and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.
This is the ‘New Green Deal’ , the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘The Great Reset’ and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine for a ’smarter’ future.
Over years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.
Now with Covid, the human race are ‘Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease, the ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine over 100 years ago.
‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are potentially both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the ‘planet’ and the human race.
The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society. Testing is nothing more than a tool for DNA data collection, and fake statistics for more scare tactics.
Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal.
They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation ‘Strategic Intelligence’ to manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Developement’ “Environmental Action’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this new world order where the idea of the nuclear hetro family is replaced with Global Family. The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society.
The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.
All these plans are well documented and easily researchable, however the cognitive dissonance, the years of psychological indoctrination, the human conditioning is far more powerful than we ever imagined, and prevent most from seeing the obvious agendas.
Behind the scenes the Belt & Road Initiative, the super powers of Israel, China, Russia and Iran jostle for who will control this future world and the ‘Internet Of Things’, and the Big Tech Transfer is happening as we speak…another story.
This Technocratic Tyranny dystopian nightmare is very real. The willing, some who genuinely like this Slave New World, but most blindly follow either through ignorance, stupidity or some kind of misplaced virtue of saving the Earth and the Human Race, not realising that they will be the first to go to the slaughter, sleeves rolled up, begging to be chipped, and for a DNA changing vaccine that will sterilise and literally poison their very souls.

Will humanity wake up ?

48 Views · 3 years ago

From the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World
Available download or CD
The Technocratic Tyrannical Demons have stolen everything. Our freedom, our livelihoods, our health, our breath, and the dreams of our children. Sadly it will only take one generation of hypochondriac mask wearing zombies to make this normal.

Scratch the surface
Not what it seems
They stole our love
They stole our breath
Stolen dreams
Forced Isolation Lockstep
inside but no one’s home
Empty vessels lost at sea
Drowning insanity
Logic lost turned upside down
All reason gone turned inside out
No smiles, no joy nightmare unfolding.
Harvesting and human cloning
See a glimmer
See a sliver
Of light cascading
From the darkness.
See a glimmer
See a sliver of hope
A world where goodmen can walk free
Where are the voices
Submissive and proud
Where are the choices
Lost in the Pc crowd
Years of indoctrination
Psychotherapist wet dreams
Cold war tactics
They stole our love
They stole our breath
Stolen dreams
The future’s dim, no smiles in sight
They stole freewill and stole the spines
Cut off your legs and made you grateful
For the crutches and the wheelchairs
See a glimmer
See a sliver
Of light cascading
From the darkness.
See a glimmer
See a sliver of hope
A world where goodmen can walk free
Convinced you all to fear yourselves
A barcode just to prove your health
You’re on your knees begging for needle
Proves beyond a doubt you’re sheeple

This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our initiation into the ‘Globalist’s’ ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’ and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.
This is DAVOS’ ‘New Green Deal’ , the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘THE GREAT RESET’ (World Economic Forum - ‘ECO-HITLER Mastermind’ Klaus Schwab) and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine for a ’smarter’ future.
Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, testing, all part of the initiation ritual.
Over many years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.
Now with Covid, the human race are branded as ’Asymptomatic Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease. The ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine over 100 years ago.
‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the ‘planet’ and the human race. Lockdowns are deliberately designed to destroy all small and medium businesses and subject the masses to psychological torture and Pavlovian Conditioning.
The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society.
Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal, and eventually, with an implant, we will be energy producing bio machines, our body activity data harvested by the AI to create cryptocurrency
They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation with Media Marketing, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, their ‘Strategic Intelligence’, to brainwash and manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Development’ “Environmental Action’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this new world order where the idea of the Nuclear Hetro Family is replaced with Global Family. With most people sterile, Ecto-genesis will eventually be the norm, for those with the financial means and correct ecological status to apply.
The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society.
The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.

56 Views · 3 years ago

From the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World
Available download or CD
The CONVID P0!$0n Needle Pathogenic Priming Gene Mutating Potion is in full deployment. The Genocide has begun.

It’s genocide but people turn away
The media whores on TV lie each day
Blind obedience gets in the way
Of realising the state just hates your face
How many times must history repeat
How easily forgot lies and deceit
This is a war on our humanity
But the sad souls are bleating their disbelief
They infiltrate our psyche from the inside
Destroy our social fabric tear the ties
They poison us with every single play
These demons have no conscience that’s their way

This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our initiation into the ‘Globalist’s’ ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’ and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.
This is DAVOS’ ‘New Green Deal’ , the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘THE GREAT RESET’ (World Economic Forum - ‘ECO-HITLER Mastermind’ Klaus Schwab) and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine for a ’smarter’ future.
Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, testing, all part of the initiation ritual.
Over many years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.
Now with Covid, the human race are branded as ’Asymptomatic Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease. The ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine over 100 years ago.
‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the ‘planet’ and the human race. Lockdowns are deliberately designed to destroy all small and medium businesses and subject the masses to psychological torture and Pavlovian Conditioning.
The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society.
Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal, and eventually, with an implant, we will be energy producing bio machines, our body activity data harvested by the AI to create cryptocurrency
They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation with Media Marketing, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, their ‘Strategic Intelligence’, to brainwash and manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Development’ “Environmental Action’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this new world order where the idea of the Nuclear Hetro Family is replaced with Global Family. With most people sterile, Ecto-genesis will eventually be the norm, for those with the financial means and correct ecological status to apply.
The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society.
The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.

85 Views · 3 years ago

From the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World
Available download or CD​...
Staying strong and keeping the flame of humanity burning while all around acquiesce to the most ridiculous and tyrannical rules and regulations. Hypnotised, muzzled, spineless, self policing slaves begging for a poison potion and a Chinese Commie Social Credit Digital ID Health Passport to justify their right to exist, and their role in this theatre of hate which is the Scamdemic and the Great Reset.
L!fę FørÇę
Feel the weight of what I know pressing down
Burning deep inside my beating heart
I’m just one soul what can I do on my own ?
Don’t know the end but I know where to start
It’s all a test I’m sure
Bringing out the best in all our
Life force it just keeps on burning
Always chasing dreams don’t wake me
Life force it just keeps on burning
Always chasing dreams
I never thought I’d see this in my time
Under a spell good folk are hypnotised
Souls are burning in the media fire
The only virus crawling through their minds
I try to wake them up
But they all refuse to look
Life force it just keeps on burning
Always chasing dreams don’t wake me
Life force it just keeps on burning
Always chasing dreams

This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our initiation into the ‘Globalist’s’ ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’ and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.
This is DAVOS’ ‘New Green Deal’ , the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘THE GREAT RESET’ (World Economic Forum - ‘ECO-HITLER Mastermind’ Klaus Schwab) and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine for a ’smarter’ future.
Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, testing, all part of the initiation ritual.
Over many years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.
Now with Covid, the human race are branded as ’Asymptomatic Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease. The ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine over 100 years ago.
‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the ‘planet’ and the human race. Lockdowns are deliberately designed to destroy all small and medium businesses and subject the masses to psychological torture and Pavlovian Conditioning.
The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society.
Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal, and eventually, with an implant, we will be energy producing bio machines, our body activity data harvested by the AI to create cryptocurrency
They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation with Media Marketing, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, their ‘Strategic Intelligence’, to brainwash and manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Development’ “Environmental Action’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this new world order where the idea of the Nuclear Hetro Family is replaced with Global Family. With most people sterile, Ecto-genesis will eventually be the norm, for those with the financial means and correct ecological status to apply.
The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society.
The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.

25 Views · 3 years ago

From the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World'
Available download or CD​​...
In love with the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing.
The ritual. Covid has given insignificant people some kind of meaning and purpose in their mundane and empty lives. Saving humanity by simply staying home and wearing a filthy piece of cloth over their face holes.

SęnølÿTic $ęRmøn
Pledge allegiance to the technosapians
A sacrament to their new church the truly
One and only germ
Sacred and almighty
Unseen malady the glory
For diseases they are none
But the One True Virus
And death comes not without it’s presence
Thou shalt not have disease
Before the One True Virus
They that die outside the One
Shall not have their passing told
Unto the people in hushed tones
But shall be quietly recorded in obscured tables
When the time comes
Through it’s power all things were unmade
It became incarnate
From the swirling microbes for it’s sake
We were crucified under lock-down
It suffered not death, like unto most it afflicteth
And is never buried in the news
Like all other deaths that pale into
Insignificance under it’s power and it’s glory
There is no other One
Like this true germ
And though few will perish the tests were many lo and behold !
Many deemed infected and cases named
Though sickness they showed none
In accordance with the Great Plan
The true one ascended
into the mind collective consciousness the Great Reset
And is seated in the palms of all lest they sanitise
And anoint themselves five score times hourly
It will come again bathed in glory
His masked kingdom will have no end it seemeth.
The unholy pathogen,
Lord Rona
Taker of life

The Covidian Creed
(As Agreed at the Unholy Conclave at Davos)

"We believe in one Virus, the SARS-COV-2, the Almighty, destroyer of heaven and earth, that is all there is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Malady, Covid-19, the only son of SARS-COV-2, eternally begotten of the Virus, God from God, Darkness from Darkness, true God from true God, begotten, not made (probably) of one Being with the Virus.
For diseases are they none but the One True Virus and Death comes not without Its presence. Thou shalt have no diseases before the One True Virus. They that die outside the Virus shall not have their passing told unto the people on a quotidian basis in hushed tones, but shall be quietly recorded in obscure tables when the time comes.
Through the Virus all things were unmade.
For us men (and women and all points in between) and for our damnation
It came down from heaven (or maybe from China or Maryland):
By the power of the Holy WHO
It became incarnate from the swirling microbes (or maybe bat soup through immaculate Zoonosis), and was made Pandemic.
For Its sake we were crucified under ongoing Lockdown;
It suffered not death, like unto most it afflicteth, and is never buried in the news.
Though by the evidence that appeareth on those who do pass away or wax sick, it hath waned to almost nought.
On the second wave It rose again
And though few did perish many were tested and lo! Many were deemed infected (probably) and ‘cases’ were they named, though sickness showed they none,
in accordance with the Great Plan;
It ascended into the collective consciousness
and is seated on the right and left hand of all (lest with sanitiser they do anoint themselves five score times hourly)
It will come again in glory, as many times as necessary to convince the living and the dead,
and his mask’d kingdom will have no end, it seemeth.
We believe in the Unholy pathogen, the Lord Rona, the taker of life (for they that are vulnerable), though he passeth the children by,
who proceeds from the laboratory and the test.
With the quest for a Vaccine, the donning of the Holy Mask and with sequestration of the faithful he is worshipped and glorified and Its name kept alive in the minds of all.
It hath spoken through ‘The Science’ and thereafter through the Media, through Potentates and Rulers and through the scriptures of the WEF and of the foundations and think-tanks that do proclaim Its Gospel.
Woe to they who do speak out against the words of the Powers of Covid or their servants, for they shall be anathema and their names removed from the Book of Face and platform shall they have none. One shall they be made with they that aver the Earth to be flat and Conspiracy Theorists shall they be named.
We believe in one unholy Catastrophic and Technocratic Global Church.
We acknowledge one Great Reset for the salvation of all.
We look in vain for the resurrection of Reason, Proportionality and Democracy,
and towards the life of the New World to come.

44 Views · 3 years ago

From the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World
Available download or CD

Anyone who believes this Scamdemic Masktard Madness is literally possessed by demons.

I couldn’t give a damn if I wanted too
About your viral phobias it makes me blue
I’ll never understand you let the state screw you
I think that you are possessed by NOS4A2
What has made you so blind to the blatant truth ?
Just cannot accept they would do this to you
Just a littlle trip through history
Reveals all the lies they’re so plain to see
Ooh baby c’mon smell the coffee
Take a deep breath and just unwind slowly
Ooh baby God save from this human farm
Ooh baby won’t you save me from delusion
Ooh Lord c’mon sing this song
Clear the dark clouds face the rising sun
Hidden knowledge now is at our fingertips
Or maybe spend your time looking at fashion tips
Hand over your power to an illusion
Swimming in self induced delusion
The highest form of power is within our souls
Not within these entities that seek control
They only exist in fractured minds
But have no power in space and time

This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our initiation into the ‘Globalist’s’ ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’ and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.
This is DAVOS’ ‘New Green Deal’ , the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘THE GREAT RESET’ (World Economic Forum - ‘ECO-HITLER Mastermind’ Klaus Schwab) and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine for a ’smarter’ future.
Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, testing, all part of the initiation ritual.
Over many years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.
Now with Covid, the human race are branded as ’Asymptomatic Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease. The ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine over 100 years ago.
‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the ‘planet’ and the human race. Lockdowns are deliberately designed to destroy all small and medium businesses and subject the masses to psychological torture and Pavlovian Conditioning.
The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society. Testing is nothing more than money making scam, a tool for DNA data collection, and more fake statistics for more scare tactics.
Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal, and eventually, with an implant, we will be energy producing biomachines, our body activity data harvested by the AI to create cryptocurrency (Patent WO2020060606) Another commodity to be traded on the stock exchange.
They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation with Media Marketing, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, their ‘Strategic Intelligence’, to brainwash and manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Developement’ “Environmental Action’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this new world order where the idea of the Nuclear Hetro Family is replaced with Global Family. With most people sterile, Ecto-genesis will evenyually be the norm, for those with the financial means and correct ecological status to apply.
The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society.
The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.

46 Views · 3 years ago

From the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World
Available download or CD

The World Economic Forum, Klaus Anal Schwab and Cyber Polygon are preparing for major false flag cyber attacks, of which they are the sole ‘perp-traitors’ blaming it on rogue gangs of international cyber criminals demanding crypto ransoms. Already they have begun with their bullshit with power outages and disruption to the food supply chain. All part of their Agenda 21/30 The Great Reset and Totalitarian One World Government takeover.

Çÿbêr PølÿGõn
The cyber polygon consuming data all day long
Harvesting our hopes and fears crunching zeros and the ones
In the beast system crypto corporations run the show
Firewalling cyber terror trying to break the code
They got our souls they got our flesh
They got our lives our DNA
Trading on the stock exchage
Our biometric sensors played
They got the pre-crime AI bots
Analyzing our chromosomes
Looking for the slightest sign
Of a free thought roaming round
Help us find a way to break this cage
Technocratic slavery’s their way
The fallen angels cry out branding their mark of the beast
Without which we can neither buy nor sell or trade or eat
They wanna merge man and machine
Transhumanist wet dream
Transcend the boundaries of life
Eternal skin jobs scene
This dystopian nightmare is real
Crushing everything beneath it’s wheels
If I could choose the life to live
I’d want it as my own
If you don’t mind I would like to live
Not as a mindless drone
As I walk this lonely path my conscience clear I know
But I’m learning how to give surrounded by lost souls
Social mindset is mutating into commie clones
Communitarian zombies breeding trapped in their homes
How did we get to this point it’s embarrassing for sure
But reality bites when they come knocking at the door

53 Views · 3 years ago

From the upcoming album 'Tr@n$HümÃniâX' available for download, stream or hard copy CD at Bandcamp
Also streaming on all platforms Spotify, Deezer. AppleMusic etc.

I was human
I was flesh, inspired
I used to laugh and cry
Feel the pain and joy inside
Smell the breeze
Dance among the trees
I would love to ponder
Upon my own existence
It’s not selfish
They spin those lies
Personal freedoms outweigh
The needs of any hive
You took my soul, I’m a robot
This neural lace entwined deep in my mind
There’s no escape from, input signals
Instant overload
This quantum feed is starving me
The universe unfold
Now that this lace inside me
Fused with the machine
Can’t break free
No more dreams of death caress
This nightmare eternity awaits me
I’m a robot ,this singularity
Woven tightly
This web of data won’t release me
The quest to fuse man and machine. The quest for immortality.

A new type of being is coming into existence, as the human species fuses with its technological prosthetics — 'anthropo-technology'. In this new being, man and machine are becoming one integrated, operative system linked by information.
Our consciousness has expanded into the cloud and the cloud into our consciousness. We have also learned to read, write and edit the genetic code, giving us the knowledge to purposively amend the very building blocks of life.

The human being — especially in so-called ‘advanced civilizations’ — is the animal that moulds itself into its own pet. Domestication means, from the outset, adaptation to the artificial.
We don’t know today whether the clear sky, or the cloud that covers it, is the information.
We are becoming incapable of distinguishing with certainty between nonsense and no nonsense. The instability of the difference between institutionalised and de-institutionalised knowledge.

‘The Great Reset’ & ‘The 4th Industrial Revolution’ are the beginning of this new world, and Convid-19 the catalyst to catapult such changes into effect, by creating a fake pandemic, a fantasy virus of the Germ Theory Hoax, to enable the implementation of bio-security ID systems under the guise of protecting society from ill health. The Clotshot Gene Altering Poison Needle is literally the spearhead of this whole agenda penetrating our bodies and culling the weak and fragile and filling our veins with nanotech.

A transformation of all human interaction, monitored and analysed for total social control, energy harvesting and collection of biometric data, and habitual information on the internet of things. All used for financial gain, power and control.

Whether it be injected, implanted or worn, the aether of microwave radiation will be in constant lockstep with our movements, tracked and traced. The lower plebs restricted to their tiny boxes in the metropolis while the technocratic elite enjoy the wondrous beauty of nature.
‘Climate change’ is the other companion catalyst in this fake narrative of saving ourselves and the world. Years of indoctrination by such entities as The Tavistock Institute have moulded and brainwashed the entire human race through the control of education, the media and entertainment industries. Through Hollywood movies and fake science they have thoroughly convinced even the strongest of characters that we deserve our punishment for what we have done to the earth and humanity, and must accept our caged fate, and should be content with our pitiful existence in our city boxes and virtual reality enjoyment of the natural world.

It appears that science has been working for many years on the wonderful properties of GRAPHENE, hence why the nano-technology of emerging ‘medicines’ and ‘vaccines’ (gene editing solutions) are using such products as it provides amazing properties such as super conductors, energy battery applications and the monitoring of bio-activity. Our bodies will become the electronic markers tagged and tracked by the blanket of microwave frequencies that will suffocate every city, not only monitoring, but also sending potential signals, altering the resonant frequency of the graphene nanobot flesh-skinned sheep to keep them bleating the correct social mottos for the new Communitarian Coviet Union and sever any and all connections to the spiritual realm.

This Technocratic Totalitarian Super Control Grid, forced injections of poisons and complete stripping of freedoms and of everything that it means to be a natural human is the most daunting attack on our civilisation as we know it.

It’s 2021 and The Beast System is in total Lockstep with it’s oppression of all people in every country on earth right now. This is a war on humanity, and the blind masses have no idea what’s really going on. This truly is the Matrix, and those still plugged in perpetuating the narrative are as much a danger to everything we know as a free and healthy society as the Demons pulling the strings.

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