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23 Views · 17 days ago

⁣From the album ‘Metatron’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots.

I can see that you are wearing out your name suit
See your head exploding with your woke puke
Musk he bends the knee kisses the key
Hollow Hoax thrust on humanity
Everyday more censorship
Suffocate the voices eliminate the risk
Knowledge is their enemy
That’s why they wanna shut it down
Self fulfilling prophecies
They wrote the book and made it happen
Wicked men up to their dirty old trix
I’ll poke your one eye out with my best stick
Look a little long in your gold tooth
Skin with doodles and your wicked half truths
We don’t need your health checks
Self appointent trustees of the matrix
Hell bent on sterilsing the whole race
X marks the spot Clotshot D-pop the rot why not ?
Self fulfilling prophecies
They wrote the book and made it happen

39 Views · 3 months ago

⁣From the album ‘Metatron’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

And you know it must be true
Cos you heard it on the news
The agenda’s good for you
Because it’s sanctioned by the Jews
And Morgellons skies rain down
And the aether’s melancholy cries
Why would they lie ?
The same old cliches everytime
Just realise this circus filled with clowns
People choose drown
Demons all around
Walk around with eyes so glazed
Like a zombie in a haze
Bow down to the master race

0 Views · 6 months ago

⁣From the album ‘The Kosher Pig’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Sleeping In The Sun
Sleeping in the sun
Takes my soul back home
Replenish my thoughts
Relieves my mind from falling
Avoid the dark clouds forming
Right where life began
Innocence eternal light that shines through
I can leave the rain behind me
Higher than the clouds you’ll find me

6 Views · 6 months ago

⁣From the album ‘The Kosher Pig’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

No Miracles
Through it all there’s a door
Wipe the cobwebs to the floor
There will be no miracles
Unless starting with ourselves
Consciousness grows in our cells
Evolution of the meme
Take me back to a time
Where only females had a child
Nothing quite like what it seems
Matrix protein growths on bones
Prosthetic skins await a host
Trumpets sound the ends of time
There’s nowhere left to run
They’re blocking out the sun
Wipe away the teardrops
They’ll kill me
Bury me with my conscience strong

5 Views · 7 months ago

From the album ‘The Kosher Pig’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots.

Take all it’s lies, take all
They’re gonna lie for sure
Gonna speak in tongues
It might get painful
I’m not gonna lie to you
Their poison eats away
Shackles bound in pain
Their plans are fateful
I’m not gonna lie to you
I’ll never understand
Why you can’t see their brand
Just got the better of you
Their lies so plain to see
Painful to watch you believe
All that they say
I’m not gonna lie to you
Forever fateful A path of deceit
On and on they cannot shed their
Falsehoods cannot sustain
Behind the veil they’ll choke and drown
At first they mock you
Try to shock you
Then they try
Suppress your voices
Take your choices
Then they die
They try to eat away our conscience
They try to crush our moral compass

Coming to terms with the fact that the majority of people simply don’t have the ability to see through the lies, or even care. The constant social manipulation and censorship is just too complex to explain to those with closed minds.

30 Views · 7 months ago

From the album 'Th€ Kø$h€r Pïg'

There’s a fire in my head
I can’t stop it burning
Always needing to be fed
Lusting for knowledge yearning
There’s no going back now
Can’t unsee what I have seen
Memories fragmented
Everyday seems broken
A glitch in the matrix
Reveals behind the curtain
The puppet masters pull the strings
And we all dance
There’s a fire
There’s a fire
Memories fragmented
Everyday seems broken
There’s a fire
There’s a fire
There’s no going back now
Can’t unsee what I have seen
Memories fragmented
Everyday seems broken

32 Views · 1 year ago

⁣From the album ‘Eat Bugs And Save The World’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Can you feel it ?
Crawling ?
Through your veins ?
It’s morphing
Goyim they’re herding them like cattle
If you’re not sterilised they want you dead
Assimilate into the IoBSphere
Harvesting your biometric breath
Synthetic zero
Synthetic hero
To break apart and confine this reality
Created by the mind in separate categories
So foolish and so futile just like trying to
Capture rays of light inside a dark room

They want us transhumanised, sterilised or dead.
The nano-tech self replicating mRNA Cløt$hot is part of the transhuman biotech fusion of the human body and brain with the Internet of Bodies, The injections contain various and unimaginable compounds, some of which cause these white stringy ‘clots’ throughout the veins of the body, amongst hundreds of other diseases and physiological and psychological problems listed on their own trial data. A complete network of 5G/6G control grid is being established in every city, with every single human being a kind of battery upon which all biometric data will be harvested and traded like stocks and shares to various governments and companies wanting to refine and target their products. Remote control pulses can be delivered to the masses to create social control and subdue the masses in to total subservience. Sterilisation is the goal of these injections ‘Janus’ …miscarriages, birth defects and low sperm count in males already is well documented. Already we see so many ambulances, so many young ‘healthy’ people collapsing, yet the ’normie’ doesn’t notice.

21 Views · 1 year ago

Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp
Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots

Is it good karma ?
Stopping the harm
A-keeping all the wolves and demons at bay ?
And there’s big pharma
Lying to charm ya
Taking all their pills and throw them away
The only virus sits our mindless
Inability to breakdown the lies
Is it the timeless
Limitless skies ?
Clipping our wings
Always dragging us down to the ground
I keep on calling echoes abound
We’re falling deeper on down
Can we take a stand and rise above the trauma
Sometimes I swear we all just feed upon the drama
If we’re from monkeys we can never reach the stars
Because they all grow so much higher than bananas
Because we’re spinning with Fanged Noumena
Bathing in the Glory of the One True Sun
Set my soul on the horizon
Evolving through this journey
I have become
I will never die
Idle beliefs negative consequence
Designer concept
Designer hero
Sinister the cultures
And a circling the vultures
We’re abandoning our Gods and we take the thrones
For ourselves in our brave new world lab rats
Paranoid, trapped in a cage and that’s that
Once angelic on the path of self righteousness
Coma patient risen
Like a new born phoenix
Bathing in the glory of the one true sun
Set my soul on the horizon
Eternal spirit, we’re gonna reach it
Eternal spirit, we can’t deceive it
Free will awaits each and every one of us
Every one of us
Captive is the audience
That’s swimming in delusion
Germ theory in it’s grave
Disease illusion
Climate change disciples that won’t let go
Paranoid carbon taxed smart city gulags
I keep on calling echoes abound
We’re falling deeper on down

This Convid Scamdemic is the biggest psychological operation in human history. The majority of humanity fell for it hook line and sinker, now dying suddenly, helping with the depopulation agenda for the climate hoax they have also bought into.
The Grand Illusion. There is only one truth. Truth is not subjective. This existence is so complex at times it becomes a real battleground, a mental obstacle course through the multi-faceted layers of emotional, psychological bombardment from media, government and social propaganda, family and ‘friends’. It’s a real challenge to become separate from social conditioning, perceptions, education, brainwashing and finally see the world, this ‘reality’ and the construct of society for what they really are and how they function… and then to be able to let go. Trying to impart knowledge onto closed minded individuals seems futile. They flinch from the truth like a hot flame. Maybe one can sow seeds for later to grow. Each person is on their own voyage of discovery, some not even caring to learn anything new.

22 Views · 1 year ago

Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp
Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots

I can’t let go
I can’t move on
I loved your warm embrace
Engulfed me oh so long
Others didn’t understand
How much you meant to me
They longed to be free
But with you I am complete
They said you weren’t real
But for me you were my everything
Even though I couldn’t breathe
Your gift just kept giving me
A sense of security
Purpose, goal
Meaning to my empty existence.
They warned your poisoned arrow
The signs I ignored blindly
And now my heart is broken
No turning back
My blood is frozen
Even though I know you hurt me
And the truth is right before my eyes
I can’t see cos my mind is blinded
I’m hypnotised and I drank your poison

A love song from a true devoted Covidian Cultist to their beloved magical imaginary disease that became their focus and solace for 3 years. A victim to a lifetime of Hollywood viral contagion brainwashing and media propaganda, and unable to let go of this precious new make-believe friend. Throughout this whole Scamdemic all the truthful information was available, and so many people were shouting warnings from the rooftops about the coming needle, but deep psychological trauma kept them holding onto such a belief, wanting it so badly to be true, to be part of history in the making. Yet, begging for a solution, they gladly took the pharmakeia magic potion, the precious elixir, that was nothing but a useless poison Clotshot in disguise.

This Convid Scamdemic is the biggest psychological operation in human history. The majority of humanity fell for it hook line and sinker.
Convid elevated common folk to hero status by simply avoiding work, staying home and doing nothing, masked warriors fighting together to save humanity, armed with hand sanitiser. Pathetic nobodies could become righteous saviours. Taking away this precious virus from a devoted Covidian Cultist leaves a gaping hole in their already empty lives.

Great book for those wishing to detox from the Clotshot

--Pinch of Borax in 8 ounces of distilled water, twice daily to remove soft metals/neutralise graphene. Limit use to only chelation and for a few days in a row. You can do this at your own rate and continue to use it as it's safe but it does carry other minerals out of your body along with the metals that you need. I'd probably recommend using it in short spurts. Maybe a few days on and a couple weeks off. Other things on this list are also chelaters, so try not to use them at the same time.--Apple pectin (RD) removes radioactive compounds. Can be taken daily. Perfectly safe.--Pure Gum Spirits of terpentine, 1/2 teaspoon in a 1/2 cup of distilled water and drink. 3 days in a row for heavy detox and parasites. Then maybe once every week or two. This is one of the rare use items.--150-250 mg Zinc. Safe daily but Zinc compound dosages vary. This is for zinc gluconate. Example: Zinc picolinate is a lesser dose of 75 mg.--Vitamin D3 preferably from sunlight. Naturally. or 50000 I.U. one dose/week.--NAC supplement 750 mg twice daily Safe daily.--5g of vitamin C daily. Safe to take daily.--DMSO. When needed or as a transdermal delivery mechanism. This one is complicated so you have to look up some of the usage or recipes you can use with it. There are many uses so it's hard to explain a dosage. They vary with need.
--Ozonated water When needed and during Detox.--Chlorine dioxide CDS. When needed. Can be used to eliminate spike proteins.

--Colloidal silver. Two weeks on. Two weeks off--Sodium Bicarbonate. 1 teaspoon a day in 8 ounces of water.--Curcumin or Quercitin. 300 mg/day.--Liquid chlorophyll 1 tbsp once a day or as needed.--Magnesium citrate/gluconate blend, 600 mg/daily or every two.--Chaga mushroom powder 500 mg safe very day.--Milk Thistle extract (silymarin) 300 mg/day. safe.

23 Views · 1 year ago

Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

The sun has gone away
Shrouded deep in grey
Try to hold onto it’s rays
Eat bugs and save the world
We dream of higher planes
Cancel me ? what doth remain ?
In an endless Markov Chain
Encounters face to face
End game dark state quest
Immortality manifest
Machine desires converge
Eat bugs and save the world
We eat the bugs parasites love
Our new found brave world waiting
Our chitin meals intestines reel
Own nothing and be happy
A root , a torus node
Inverse a null domain
Draws nigh and skews my mind
Cuts happy haversine
I see the value in thine eye
Hear the tensor in thy sigh
Could be content just to die
In bliss oh lips divine
Eat bugs and save the world
From this carbon life form the end is nigh
With a boot pressed on your face you’ll come to realise

The Holy Gospel Of Climate Change & The Covidian Cult Transhumanist Dystopia.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

We are at war. This is a spiritual war, for mind, body and spirit.
It’s simple. This is the biggest crime in human history, unleashed upon the entire population of earth. They want us enslaved, sick and sterilised…or dead. They have convinced the masses to do it willingly. They have convinced us to embrace and accept our own demise. They have been planning this for decades, and have tried and failed many times, however, now technology has reached its current capabilities and everyone has access to their ‘Black Mirror’ smart phones and high speed internet. Finally they have trained, coerced, blackmailed, threatened, bought and paid for ALL the necessary ‘agents’ in ALL the key positions in every walk of society, institutions, governments and organisations, poised and ready to do the bidding of those who pull the strings.

Who wants us dead ?
The Khazarian Kabbalist Luciferian Synagogue of Satan - The Zionist Banking Cartel Mafia Freemasonic Monarch Jesuits & their Eternal Quest For World Domination
Why do they want us dead ?
Because they hate us. We are useless eaters, a blemish, a cancer on this earth and they want us gone, and to suffer, while making money from our pain and demise. There are too many of us to control. They want to cull the majority of the population and reduce it to a manageable size, half a billion, as openly stated… actually ‘carved in stone,’ on the recently demolished Georgia Guidestones. These psychopaths believe they will attain redeption through sin, and so normal morals that most consider good are irrelevant.

The world has changed, and whatever one perceives the world as being prior to Convid Scamdemic is no longer the world that we are experiencing right now. We don’t live in that world anymore, even though we were deceived in that world also, thinking that we were free, but now we are not even being deceived into thinking that we are free…now they’re declaring openly that we are not free. In fact they have got the masses begging for their own incarceration, in the name of security, health and saving the earth.

A new universal religion has been created through this scamdemic, fake pandemic, plague, phony health crisis. And what we can definitely say is that the ‘normie’ participates and accepts it, in fact, relishes in it …in fact welcomes it….chooses it voluntarily, of their own volition. The ‘normie’ needs this new religion, and worships it….worships this new paradigm, this new false reality. This fake reality exists only on television and media. It’s presented on television, but it becomes reality in the minds of the ‘normie’. The ‘normie’ needs to have this. In control of the ‘normie’ is not the ‘normie’ themselves, but an external force, through all the news media, all the medical institutions, all the teachers, all the politicians and government lobbies, all the religious figures, priests, ministers…all the way up to the Pope. They do it through Hollywood, through movies and commercials. All the leaders of every institution, every segment of life. Yes they are all ‘in on it’ whether knowingly or unknowingly or unwittingly for financial and power gain, or a brainwashed belief that they are saving humanity with noble intention.

Now that the new Universal Religion has been established Covidian Cultists have been successfully indoctrinated into accepting fake pandemics, regular poisonous experimental vaccines, testing, and health passes, it’s time now for the new religion…the Gospel Of Climate Change - The Holy CO2. We are energy sinners, doomed to die, unless we seek salvation. Sustainability is salvation in the church of the environment.

20 Views · 1 year ago

From the album ‘Eat Bugs And Save The World’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots

Shake every night
Everything we touch must die
Hoping that we see a happy end in sight
Never want to trust
I know too much it’s sad
No one ever wants to pay the asking price
Every single word they say is fake
Social engineers play with our fate
Forever sowing seeds that germinate
Weak minds steering off a cliff
What’ll you die for ?
Carbon credits on your iPhone ?
A month’s subscription to your game zone
A fast delivery from Amazon ?
What y’ willing to die for ?
Woke agenda broke your backbone
Threw out your common sense no more
Now the climate hoax took hold
Monetised and traumatised
Wipe the tears from your eyes
No escape from the lies
But they can’t stop humankind
Flow like water always dreaming
Always streaming
Always find a way forward
Don’t talk about the great replacement
That’s only words from white supremacists
Gender affirming care
Gonna chop off your genitals
Baby parts piled in a lonely room
What y’ willing to die for ?
Carbon credits on your iPhone ?
A month’s subscription to your game zone
A fast delivery from Amazon ?
What y’ willing to die for ?
Woke agenda broke your backbone
Threw out your common sense no more
Now the climate hoax took hold

What is the price of modern convenience and technology ?
So many layers to the onion that it’s impossible to begin to explain anything to a closed mind. Cultural Marxism is rotting Western societies from the inside. A few generations of students have already been fully indoctrinated.
Covid is fake, Viruses are fake, CO2 climate change fake. Gender confusion. Space is fake. Fake globe. Real wars orchestrated with a fake excuse, an agenda. Poisonous vaccines and pharmakeia, poisonous fake food, geo-engineering. Orchestrated mass migration. Everything designed to destroy the lives and stability of healthy and strong societies.
Silent weapons for quiet wars. We are at war. They want us enslaved, sick and sterilised, or dead.

22 Views · 1 year ago

From the album ‘Eat Bugs And Save The World’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Big thanks to Laurence Bouchard for the video shots

Feel the wind it’s calling out in vain
And the chaos which it brings
If only my soul could be persuaded
To believe all that I am told
Perhaps my mind could be invaded
And my sunbeams sold
Oh heaven help me if I’ve sinned
Shame on me and what it brings
My heart yearns for the murdered mornings
Tears fall from the broken wings
Madness pure of which it sings
I awake to see it’s not a dream
The spear enters the heart of order
May my ashes scatter in the wind
Lend me your ears, today’s a new day
The gifted hands of life adorning
Me with words I won’t obey
You and me are lunacy
You and me are barely free…
All hail discordia
Madness pure destruction
Shame you gave your life away
You refuse to take the blame
Free, entropy is all we have
Life gasping breaths

21 Views · 1 year ago

From the album ‘Eat Bugs And Save The World’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Happiness for all is happiness for each
Anything less in this Brave New World is out of reach
Take your Soma in a coma relinquish philosophy
We demand the right to be unhappy

Ectogenesis. The Brave New World of factory produced humans, bred especially for their allocated position in society. Natural reproduction will not permitted, through sterilisation, birth control and social indoctrination. Maybe there will be reservations of ‘savages’ or small communities of intelligent unvaxxed and unchipped humans living outside the Smart Cities that still give birth. Common folk will never be allowed to reproduce. The elites don’t like natural child birth anyway, as they strive to be God and produce and take life at their own whim. Their desire for a race of androgines, hence this transpocalypse push for the destruction of the ****es and the family unit.
The ‘perfect’ world where everyone is ‘happy’. The thing that makes us truly human is our ability to be unhappy.

61 Views · 1 year ago

From the album ‘Eat Bugs And Save The World’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp

Shake every night
Everything we touch must die
Hoping that we see a happy end in sight
Never want to trust
I know too much it’s sad
No one ever wants to pay the asking price
Every single word they say is fake
Social engineers play with our fate
Forever sowing seeds that germinate
Weak minds steering off a cliff
What’ll you die for ?
Carbon credits on your iPhone ?
A month’s subscription to your game zone
A fast delivery from Amazon ?
What y’ willing to die for ?
Woke agenda broke your backbone
Threw out your common sense no more
Now the climate hoax took hold
Monetised and traumatised
Wipe the tears from your eyes
No escape from the lies
But they can’t stop humankind
Flow like water always dreaming
Always streaming
Always find a way forward
Don’t talk about the great replacement
That’s only words from white supremacists
Gender affirming care
Gonna chop off your genitals
Baby parts piled in a lonely room
What y’ willing to die for ?
Carbon credits on your iPhone ?
A month’s subscription to your game zone
A fast delivery from Amazon ?
What y’ willing to die for ?
Woke agenda broke your backbone
Threw out your common sense no more
Now the climate hoax took hold

What is the price of modern convenience and technology ?
So many layers to the onion that it’s impossible to begin to explain anything to a closed mind. Cultural Marxism is rotting Western societies from the inside. A few generations of students have already been fully indoctrinated.
Covid is fake, Viruses are fake, CO2 climate change fake. Gender confusion. Space is fake. Fake globe. Real wars orchestrated with a fake excuse, an agenda. Poisonous vaccines and pharmakeia, poisonous fake food, geo-engineering. Orchestrated mass migration. Everything designed to destroy the lives and stability of healthy and strong societies.
Silent weapons for quiet wars. We are at war. They want us enslaved and dead.

15 Views · 1 year ago

Th£ BrØk£n GÖd from the album ‘Transhumaniax available from
On all streaming platforms, Spotify, Deezer etc.

Humanity is under attack from all sides.
This the Greatest War

Th£ BrØk£n GÖd
Darkening, this shadow impotence it’s own decay
Transcend the confusion of longing and desire
Deep sorrow disappointment of what we have become
Deep nostalgia for the future rewrite the code for mankind
This longing increasing fertile terrain of technology
Preparing for the future extinction of mankind
What am I ?
Can you define the liquid lines
What am I not ?
Frozen nouns in linguistic ice box

‘The Great Reset’ & ‘The 4th Industrial Revolution’ are the beginning of this new world, and Convid-19 the catalyst to catapult such changes into effect, by creating a fake pandemic, a fantasy virus of the Germ Theory Hoax, to enable the implementation of bio-security ID systems under the guise of protecting society from ill health. The Clotshot Gene Altering Poison Needle is literally the spearhead of this whole agenda penetrating our bodies and culling the weak and fragile and filling our veins with nanotech.

A transformation of all human interaction, monitored and analysed for total social control, energy harvesting and collection of biometric data, and habitual information on the internet of things. All used for financial gain, power and control.

Whether it be injected, implanted or worn, the aether of microwave radiation will be in constant lockstep with our movements, tracked and traced. The lower plebs restricted to their tiny boxes in the metropolis while the technocratic elite enjoy the wondrous beauty of nature.
‘Climate change’ is the other companion catalyst in this fake narrative of saving ourselves and the world. Years of indoctrination by such entities as The Tavistock Institute have moulded and brainwashed the entire human race through the control of education, the media and entertainment industries. Through Hollywood movies and fake science they have thoroughly convinced even the strongest of characters that we deserve our punishment for what we have done to the earth and humanity, and must accept our caged fate, and should be content with our pitiful existence in our city boxes and virtual reality enjoyment of the natural world.

It appears that science has been working for many years on the wonderful properties of GRAPHENE, hence why the nano-technology of emerging ‘medicines’ and ‘vaccines’ (gene editing solutions) are using such products as it provides amazing properties such as super conductors, energy battery applications and the monitoring of bio-activity. Our bodies will become the electronic markers tagged and tracked by the blanket of microwave frequencies that will suffocate every city, not only monitoring, but also sending potential signals, altering the resonant frequency of the graphene nanobot flesh-skinned sheep to keep them bleating the correct social mottos for the new Communitarian Coviet Union and sever any and all connections to the spiritual realm.

This Technocratic Totalitarian Super Control Grid, forced injections of poisons and complete stripping of freedoms and of everything that it means to be a natural human is the most daunting attack on our civilisation as we know it.

It’s 2021 and The Beast System is in total Lockstep with it’s oppression of all people in every country on earth right now. This is a war on humanity, and the blind masses have no idea what’s really going on. This truly is the Matrix, and those still plugged in perpetuating the narrative are as much a danger to everything we know as a free and healthy society as the Demons pulling the strings.

‘THE GREAT RESIST’ is the only solution

32 Views · 1 year ago

Taken from the album 'UN-HAPPYTALISM - Convid 1984 Slave New World
Available download or CD
The Technocratic Tyrannical Demons have stolen everything. Our freedom, our livelihoods, our health, our breath, and the dreams of our children. Sadly it will only take one generation of hypochondriac mask wearing zombies to make this normal.

Scratch the surface
Not what it seems
They stole our love
They stole our breath
Stolen dreams
Forced Isolation Lockstep
inside but no one’s home
Empty vessels lost at sea
Drowning insanity
Logic lost turned upside down
All reason gone turned inside out
No smiles, no joy nightmare unfolding.
Harvesting and human cloning
See a glimmer
See a sliver
Of light cascading
From the darkness.
See a glimmer
See a sliver of hope
A world where goodmen can walk free
Where are the voices
Submissive and proud
Where are the choices
Lost in the Pc crowd
Years of indoctrination
Psychotherapist wet dreams
Cold war tactics
They stole our love
They stole our breath
Stolen dreams
The future’s dim, no smiles in sight
They stole freewill and stole the spines
Cut off your legs and made you grateful
For the crutches and the wheelchairs
See a glimmer
See a sliver
Of light cascading
From the darkness.
See a glimmer
See a sliver of hope
A world where goodmen can walk free
Convinced you all to fear yourselves
A barcode just to prove your health
You’re on your knees begging for needle
Proves beyond a doubt you’re sheeple

This Covid 19 Scamdemic is nothing more than a purposely manufactured fake crisis, a social engineered public relations marketing operation for our initiation into the ‘Globalist’s’ ‘4th Industrial Revolution’. The instigation of ‘Agenda 21’, ‘Agenda 2030’ and the implementation of the ‘Digital ID Grid Surveillance System’.
This is DAVOS’ ‘New Green Deal’ , the ‘Climate Change Agenda’, now re-packaged as the ‘THE GREAT RESET’ (World Economic Forum - ‘ECO-HITLER Mastermind’ Klaus Schwab) and the new era of Biological Transhumanism, merging man and machine for a ’smarter’ future.
Lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing, testing, all part of the initiation ritual.
Over many years, through news media, and Hollywood movies, they have systematically brainwashed the entire ‘global’ population to believe they are nothing more than a virus, reproducing at alarming levels and responsible for the destruction of the Earth’s resources and climate change.
Now with Covid, the human race are branded as ’Asymptomatic Super Spreaders’ of a magical disease. The ‘Contagion Myth’ built upon a throne of lies which is the ‘Sacred Germ Theory’ of the fraud Louis Pasteur, that has been pushed by Rockefeller Big Oil Big Pharma since they hijacked natural medicine over 100 years ago.
‘Pandemics’ and ‘Climate Change’ are both unsolvable problems that allow the unwitting public to submit to these totalitarian regime regulations under the guise of saving the ‘planet’ and the human race. Lockdowns are deliberately designed to destroy all small and medium businesses and subject the masses to psychological torture and Pavlovian Conditioning.
The total disintegration of individual rights and freedoms, social restrictions and travel, with the use of health passports, and implantable, injectable vaccine tracking systems, in order to participate in society.
Population reduction, the dissolving of nation states, the end of property ownership, the end of cash, and implementation of a (UBI) Universal Basic Income, and the formation of 5G grid smart cities, where every single aspect of our lives are monitored and controlled with social credit scores watched over by Artificial Intelligence in the hands of these technocratic corporate entities. Digital Currency is the goal, and eventually, with an implant, we will be energy producing bio machines, our body activity data harvested by the AI to create cryptocurrency
They have harnessed the full powers of psychological manipulation with Media Marketing, Tavistock Institute, Rand Corporation, their ‘Strategic Intelligence’, to brainwash and manufacture consent among the masses with NGOs and grass roots movements like ‘Sustainable Development’ “Environmental Action’ ideologies at a local level and the use of social change movements like Occupy, Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and BLM, LGBTQXYZ, all unwitting pawns in the promotion of this new world order where the idea of the Nuclear Hetro Family is replaced with Global Family. With most people sterile, Ecto-genesis will eventually be the norm, for those with the financial means and correct ecological status to apply.
The riots and uprisings are deliberately organised chaos to destroy the fabric of the current society.
The governments and media whores are lying unashamedly as their corruption knows no bounds, fuelled by the supreme commanders of Big Pharma, Bankers and the Elite Technocracy.

101 Views · 1 year ago

Originally from the album 'The New Normal' available at Bandcamp, download or hardcopy CD

F*Ck this $câmd£mic fak£ Ä$$ Ç0V!D-1984 NWO tÃke0ver. And f*Çk their m£dia L!£s, ma$k w£aring, anti-s0cial distancing, fÃk£ PCR testing, contact tracing apps, h£alth pAssp0rts and D€p0pulation vaçç!natiØn plans.

When every page is full of lies
How will they know
When growing up it’s no surprise
How will they know
Take a deep breath
Just sit back and
Take your time
Ignore the headlines
And just learn to read between the lines
Lock all your doors
They’re coming for sure
With needle in hand
Take the mark of the beast
Kiss your humanity goodbye
I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind these words
How ****ed up this life is
While they still deceive

13 Views · 1 year ago

From the album 'Parasite' available download, streaming or physical CD from Bandcamp

YÖu'r€ Â P$ychÖ
We cannot silence
We cannot fall again
We cannot silence
We cannot sail away
You’re a psycho
You’re a psycho
You’re possessed,
Spin those lies round me
You’re a psycho
Where’d your brain go
You’re no longer in control
We can not silence
We can not fade away
Our spirit rides the waves
We shall not sail away

The Great Reset, The Great Narrative, The 4th Industrial Revolution is being forced upon us without our consent. A modern Holodomor, a total genocide and sterilisation experiment. Schwab and his oligarch technocrat cohorts dream of total control.
The Scamdemic convinced people of the necessity for mandatory jabs and ‘health passports’.
The health passports normalise the concept of digital IDs.
The digital IDs are essential for the new monetary system of digital currencies controlled via central banks.
The digital currencies enable the powers that be to monitor and track everything you buy and sell.
The currencies would be programmable and everything you buy and sell would be scrutinised and curtailed if deemed unhealthy for the planet/society. If you do, or say, the wrong thing then your 'privileges' will be removed.
The Big Brother scrutiny would be backed by the scientism of the climate change scam to convince the people that their lives must be directed and controlled to save them from themselves.
The curtailing of our lives for our own good would shepherd people into SMART cities where there is no privacy, while rural locations will become increasingly off bounds under the planet protecting guise of Agenda 21/30.
The digital ID would move from your phone to an implantable microchip device - akin to 'the mark of the beast'. You will have a choice of taking the mark or you will not be able to buy or sell.
Emerging transhumanist technologies - possibly already contained within the mRNA jabs - would alter your DNA. This may enable humans to be 'hacked' to such a degree that eventually they would lose their free will and any spiritual connection to the divine. While many naive folk would be convinced to give up their temporary mortal lives to 'live forever' in a matrix of METAVERSE style VR settings.
Population Reduction is in full swing. The Convid Death Jabs are beginning to kick in, to fulfil their objective. Not just from Myocarditis and other directly related illnessness but now from hundreds of other difficult to pinpoint sicknesses that the blind sheeple will never be able to admit to themselves or others.
They are limiting access to all historical information and books and are rewriting history as we speak.

9 Views · 1 year ago

From the album 'Parasite' available download, streaming or physical CD from Bandcamp

My human body
Stings of age ache and pain
Bone breaks
Strength decays
My human form twists
Deforms in mirrors
Anxious nerves burn my
Fragile heart
Make my limbs
Make my life long
Take my parts
Make me evolve.
Beat eternal
I long for painless
Bless this ship
That I control
I would trade the
Flesh bone and marrow
To the first back alley broker
Of cheap plastics that I know

The Great Reset, The Great Narrative, The 4th Industrial Revolution is being forced upon us without our consent. A modern Holodomor, a total genocide and sterilisation experiment. Schwab and his oligarch technocrat cohorts dream of total control.
The Scamdemic convinced people of the necessity for mandatory jabs and ‘health passports’.
The health passports normalise the concept of digital IDs.
The digital IDs are essential for the new monetary system of digital currencies controlled via central banks.
The digital currencies enable the powers that be to monitor and track everything you buy and sell.
The currencies would be programmable and everything you buy and sell would be scrutinised and curtailed if deemed unhealthy for the planet/society. If you do, or say, the wrong thing then your 'privileges' will be removed.
The Big Brother scrutiny would be backed by the scientism of the climate change scam to convince the people that their lives must be directed and controlled to save them from themselves.
The curtailing of our lives for our own good would shepherd people into SMART cities where there is no privacy, while rural locations will become increasingly off bounds under the planet protecting guise of Agenda 21/30.
The digital ID would move from your phone to an implantable microchip device - akin to 'the mark of the beast'. You will have a choice of taking the mark or you will not be able to buy or sell.
Emerging transhumanist technologies - possibly already contained within the mRNA jabs - would alter your DNA. This may enable humans to be 'hacked' to such a degree that eventually they would lose their free will and any spiritual connection to the divine. While many naive folk would be convinced to give up their temporary mortal lives to 'live forever' in a matrix of METAVERSE style VR settings.
Population Reduction is in full swing. The Convid Death Jabs are beginning to kick in, to fulfil their objective. Not just from Myocarditis and other directly related illnessness but now from hundreds of other difficult to pinpoint sicknesses that the blind sheeple will never be able to admit to themselves or others.
They are limiting access to all historical information and books and are rewriting history as we speak.

8 Views · 1 year ago

From the album 'Parasite' available download, streaming or physical CD from Bandcamp

P€rf€Çt ČØmbin@tïon
Baby, can’t you see that we are suffering ?
Don’t you know that it’s a perfect combination
To drain our lives away ?
And as we’re walking through the dark
The stars are dancing for a reason
Maybe there’s a reason for this journey
Freedom is a place that constantly needs to be fought for everyday
Navigate the maze deceptions fall along the wayside
The light will guide us on our way
Baby reaching for the light of day
Perfect combinations to guide us on our troubled way

The Great Reset, The Great Narrative, The 4th Industrial Revolution is being forced upon us without our consent. A modern Holodomor, a total genocide and sterilisation experiment. Schwab and his oligarch technocrat cohorts dream of total control.
The Scamdemic convinced people of the necessity for mandatory jabs and ‘health passports’.
The health passports normalise the concept of digital IDs.
The digital IDs are essential for the new monetary system of digital currencies controlled via central banks.
The digital currencies enable the powers that be to monitor and track everything you buy and sell.
The currencies would be programmable and everything you buy and sell would be scrutinised and curtailed if deemed unhealthy for the planet/society. If you do, or say, the wrong thing then your 'privileges' will be removed.
The Big Brother scrutiny would be backed by the scientism of the climate change scam to convince the people that their lives must be directed and controlled to save them from themselves.
The curtailing of our lives for our own good would shepherd people into SMART cities where there is no privacy, while rural locations will become increasingly off bounds under the planet protecting guise of Agenda 21/30.
The digital ID would move from your phone to an implantable microchip device - akin to 'the mark of the beast'. You will have a choice of taking the mark or you will not be able to buy or sell.
Emerging transhumanist technologies - possibly already contained within the mRNA jabs - would alter your DNA. This may enable humans to be 'hacked' to such a degree that eventually they would lose their free will and any spiritual connection to the divine. While many naive folk would be convinced to give up their temporary mortal lives to 'live forever' in a matrix of METAVERSE style VR settings.
Population Reduction is in full swing. The Convid Death Jabs are beginning to kick in, to fulfil their objective. Not just from Myocarditis and other directly related illnessness but now from hundreds of other difficult to pinpoint sicknesses that the blind sheeple will never be able to admit to themselves or others.
They are limiting access to all historical information and books and are rewriting history as we speak.

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